Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Backwards cars are blowing our minds

03 backwards cars 12965816972 450x276 Backwards cars are blowing our minds

Not everything is always as it seems. This truth is once again proven true by the fine chaps at the Final Gear forums, who took it upon themselves to borrow the idea of and expand upon a recent Photo of the Day at Autoblog’s own official Facebook page.

And so we bring you this photo gallery of the backwards car. Mind? Blown.
The premise is simple. Fire up Photoshop, chop off the roof of a car, flip it and put it back on top. The result? Endless fun. If you’re not a Fan of Autoblog’s Facebook page, see what you’ve been missing?

Click here to rectify that sad situation, then click through our image gallery below. Feel free to add your own to Facebook, and we’ll add it to the gallery.

09 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds18 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds16 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds 

03 backwards cars 12965816972 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds05 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds

02 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds00 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds07 backwards cars 150x150 Backwards cars are blowing our minds


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